
MuckPie's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 5,279 (From 703 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 90,580 Points

Treasure Hunt

Medals Earned: 15/15 (95/95 points)

note form Lori 5 Points

Find a note.

Skull of secrets 5 Points

Find a skull

300 5 Points

Find a vase.

Abstract painting 5 Points

Find abstract painting

Capture the flag 5 Points

Find a flag.

das Boot 5 Points

Find boot.

Hammer 5 Points

Find hammer

Happiness 5 Points

Find Hapiness

Jewel 5 Points

Find Jewel

Knight 5 Points

Find a Lance.

Roman coin 5 Points

Find Roman coin

Sad sheep 5 Points

Find sad sheep dolly.

Spoon of endless terrors 5 Points

Find a spoon.

Stick 5 Points

Simple stick.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Tri Peaks City

Medals Earned: 4/39 (25/500 points)

Small streak 5 Points

Play at least 5 cards before picking from stack

Medium streak 10 Points

Play at least 10 cards before picking from stack

Count up 5 Points

Play at least 5 cards in a row that count up in value

Count down 5 Points

Play at least 5 cards in a row that count down in value

Well rounded 5 Points

Complete round 3 of a level

All rounded 10 Points

Complete round 5 of a level

10 left on stack 10 Points

Complete a level with 10 or more cards unturned

15 left on stack 25 Points

Complete a level with 15 or more cards unturned

Large streak 25 Points

Play at least 15 cards before picking from stack

5 levels 5 Points

Complete 5 different levels

10 levels 5 Points

Complete 10 different levels

25 levels 10 Points

Complete 25 different levels

50 levels 25 Points

Complete 50 different levels

100 levels 100 Points

Complete 100 different levels

Wildcard win 5 Points

Win by placing the final card on top of the wildcard

5 locations 5 Points

Unlock 5 locations

10 locations 10 Points

Unlock 10 locations

20 locations 25 Points

Unlock 20 locations

10 roads 5 Points

Reach a total road length of 10 tiles

50 roads 5 Points

Reach a total road length of 50 tiles

100 roads 5 Points

Reach a total road length of 100 tiles

250 roads 10 Points

Reach a total road length of 250 tiles

500 roads 25 Points

Reach a total road length of 500 tiles

5 railroads 5 Points

Reach a total rail length of 5 tiles

25 railroads 5 Points

Reach a total rail length of 25 tiles

50 railroads 5 Points

Reach a total rail length of 50 tiles

100 railroads 10 Points

Reach a total rail length of 100 tiles

250 railroads 25 Points

Reach a total rail length of 250 tiles

5 rivers 5 Points

Reach a total river length of 5 tiles

25 rivers 5 Points

Reach a total river length of 25 tiles

50 rivers 5 Points

Reach a total river length of 50 tiles

100 rivers 10 Points

Reach a total river length of 100 tiles

250 rivers 25 Points

Reach a total river length of 250 tiles

10 destroyed 5 Points

Remove 10 roads, rails or rivers

50 destroyed 5 Points

Remove 50 roads, rails or rivers

100 destroyed 10 Points

Remove 100 roads, rails or rivers

$5.000 5 Points

Own at least five thousand dollars

$10.000 10 Points

Own at least ten thousand dollars

$25.000 25 Points

Own at least twentyfive thousand dollars

Trippin Kitchen

Medals Earned: 5/5 (65/65 points)

Level 1 10 Points

Complete Level 1

Level 2 10 Points

Complete Level 2

Rampage! 10 Points

Kill at least 50 enemies in a bonus round

You Win! 25 Points

Complete the game!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Trivial Guesser: Video Game Releases

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/305 points)

Guess the Nintendo Title 5 Points

You finished guessing a Nintendo console title! Did you win?

Guess the PC Title 5 Points

You finished guessing a PC game title! Did you win?

Guess the Microsoft Title 5 Points

You finished guessing a Microsoft title! Did you win?

Guess the Sony Title 5 Points

You finished guessing a Sony console title! Did you win?

5 Correct 10 Points

You guessed 5 game titles correctly! You should be able to get this by playing 2 days!

15 Correct 25 Points

You guessed 15 game titles correctly! You should be able to get this by playing 4 days!

30 Correct 50 Points

You guessed 30 game titles correctly! You should be able to get this by playing 8 days!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Trivial Trivia! Among Us

Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)

Loyal Crewmate 10 Points

You scored well on the trivia!

Trivial Trivia! Metal Music

Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)

Rockin' Metalhead 10 Points

You scored well on the trivia!

Trivial Trivia! Terraria

Medals Earned: 2/2 (35/35 points)

Terraria Adventurer 10 Points

Score well on the trivia!

Journey's End 25 Points

Score very well on the extended trivia!

Trivial Trivia! USA State Flags

Medals Earned: 2/2 (35/35 points)

Flag Bearer 10 Points

You scored well on the trivia!

Patriotic Flagger 25 Points

Do well in extended mode. You know your flags!

Trivial Trivia: Flags of the World

Medals Earned: 8/21 (110/330 points)

North American Bronze 5 Points

Score 25 points or more on this trivia pack!

North American Silver 10 Points

Score 50 points or more on this trivia pack!

North American Gold 25 Points

Score 90 points or more on this trivia pack!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

European Bronze 5 Points

Score 25 points or more on this trivia pack!

European Silver 10 Points

Score 50 points or more on this trivia pack!

European Gold 25 Points

Score 90 points or more on this trivia pack!

A Trivial Start 5 Points

Load up the game while signed into Newgrounds

South American Bronze 5 Points

Score 25 points or more on this trivia pack!

South American Silver 10 Points

Score 50 points or more on this trivia pack!

South American Gold 25 Points

Score 90 points or more on this trivia pack!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

African Bronze 5 Points

Score 25 points or more on this trivia pack!

African Silver 10 Points

Score 50 points or more on this trivia pack!

African Gold 25 Points

Score 90 points or more on this trivia pack!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Asian Bronze 5 Points

Score 25 points or more on this trivia pack!

Asian Silver 10 Points

Score 50 points or more on this trivia pack!

Asian Gold 25 Points

Score 90 points or more on this trivia pack!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Trivial Trivia: Math

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/70 points)

100 Points 5 Points

Get a score of 100 or above!

I Tried. 5 Points

You somehow got a score of 0

150 Points 10 Points

Get a score of 150 or more!

Math Pro 50 Points

You're a mathematician!